Thursday, August 21, 2008


"West Wind, all that you are -
Season of autumn, house of chill black winds, twilight of the day, dying fires of sunset.
Dwelling place of the bear, the raven, and the thunderbeings.
Guardian of the adults.
Place of introspection, harvest and healing.
Time for putting the garden to rest, gathering the last bounty of summer,
And taking stock of the harvest.
Cycle of leaves falling, stems turning brittle, and berries shriveling.
Guide us though this season of turning within, collecting ourselves, and preparing For the deep rest of winter.
Help us accept what our garden has produced, and let go of what was,
And what wasn't.
Walk with us as we grieve, celebrate, reflect.
There will be other summers.
Hear our prayers that what we have gathered will be sufficient
To take us through the dark nights and cold days of winter.
Hear our prayers for healing the wounds of the past seasons.
Open our ears to the rutting songs of the elk and the moose,
Our eyes to the clouds of migrating birds, and our hearts to stillness.
West Wind, blow through us. Bring us your blessings and your wisdom."

From "Why Buffalo Dance - Animal and Wilderness Meditations through the Seasons" by Susan Chernak McElroy

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