Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pine Nut Milk / Lait de Pignons de Pin

This pine nut milk has a beautiful white color and has pretty much the richness and density of whole milk. This is a tasty, sweet, wild and nutritious milk with a velvety feel in the mouth.
Since it's this is my first try with pine nuts, I chose to make a small batch (also because because it's somewhat a luxury nut): 1/4 cup pine nuts to 1 1/2 cups of boiling water and 1 tbsp of honey (but you can add a little more if you like your milk sweeter; I bet maple syrup would make this milk taste even more wild)...Refrigerate and enjoy within 3 days ;).

Ce lait végétal a la couleur, la richesse et la densité du lait entier. Il a un très bon goût çà la fois doux et sauvage) et est également très nutritif. Comme c'est mon premier essai avec les pignons et que ceux-ci ne sont pas très bon marché, j'ai décidé de préparer ce lait en petite quantité: 65 ml de pignons de pin, 375 ml d'eau bouillante et 1 cuillère a soupe (15 ml) de miel (vous pouvez en ajouter davantage si vous l'aimez plus sucré ou bien essayez avec du sirop d'érable pour donner à ce lait végétal un goût encore plus sauvage)...Conservez au réfrigerateur pendant 3 jours et régalez-vous ;).

More about Pine Nuts:
  • They contain vitamins A, B1, B3, B3, C, E; calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc; fiber, protein, oleic acid/unsaturated fat
  • Pine nuts are energy-providing and nutritious. They protect against heart disease and some cancers. They aid liver function and metabolism, boost energy, and benefit the blood, muscles, nerves, mucous membranes, and the skin.

From "The Complete Guide to Nutritional Health" by Pierre Jean Cousin & Kirsten Hartvig

Thursday, August 21, 2008


"West Wind, all that you are -
Season of autumn, house of chill black winds, twilight of the day, dying fires of sunset.
Dwelling place of the bear, the raven, and the thunderbeings.
Guardian of the adults.
Place of introspection, harvest and healing.
Time for putting the garden to rest, gathering the last bounty of summer,
And taking stock of the harvest.
Cycle of leaves falling, stems turning brittle, and berries shriveling.
Guide us though this season of turning within, collecting ourselves, and preparing For the deep rest of winter.
Help us accept what our garden has produced, and let go of what was,
And what wasn't.
Walk with us as we grieve, celebrate, reflect.
There will be other summers.
Hear our prayers that what we have gathered will be sufficient
To take us through the dark nights and cold days of winter.
Hear our prayers for healing the wounds of the past seasons.
Open our ears to the rutting songs of the elk and the moose,
Our eyes to the clouds of migrating birds, and our hearts to stillness.
West Wind, blow through us. Bring us your blessings and your wisdom."

From "Why Buffalo Dance - Animal and Wilderness Meditations through the Seasons" by Susan Chernak McElroy

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Know Yourself...

We all want to be acknowledged and respected. We all want to achieve something and be remembered for that or just for who we are.

Today I'm not the same girl who left France 5 years ago...I have changed. I made choices for my life (on a spiritual level as well) that some don't know and/or don't/won't understand. I'm not looking for fame or riches like so many out there. I just want a simple & natural life, rich of experiences (or stories to tell) yet grounded. I don't want to be rich, I just want to have enough to live a decent life without worries...It doesn't mean that I don't have dreams or ambitions.

Today I can say that I know who I am, what I want (to achieve, for myself & mine) and what I'm worth. With that in mind, anything is possible because the world and life are as you dream them...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Welcome the Fall" Bread / Pain d'Automne

Homemade with whole spelt, oat and chestnut flours + a touch of mountain honey... Tasty, nourishing & wild ;).

Fait avec un mélange de farines d'épeaûtre, d'avoine et de chataigne ainsi qu'une touche de miel de montagne...Délicieux, nourrissant et un brin sauvage.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Words of Wisdom from Robert Shapiro

Preparing for the Fall...

This Summer, we've had a cooler weather than usual here by the Coast in Southern California (which didn't surprised me, since I had been told so by the Spirits a couple months ago), therefore my summer plants have been growing slower and I hope to harvest my zucchinis, fennel bulbs, ice beans and tomatoes in the Fall (1 of them is a Black Zebra tomato, a variety enjoying cool weather anyway).

I've already felt the first signs of the Fall, slowly but surely moving in. The light, the temperatures, the leaves...Are all hints of its yet discreet presence. I have started my Fall gardening a few weeks ago with lots of leafy greens (lascinato rainbow kale, purple peacock broccoli, collards, swiss chards, epinard (spinach) monstrueux de Villofray), carrots (white Belgian and jaune du Doubs) and other root vegetables (parsley root, white & bull's blood beets). My purslane and arugula are taking their time to grow, while my stinging nettle is thriving.

Also mentioned in my Otherworldly local weather forecast for the few months to come (besides the short and cooler Summer) were the early arrival of the Fall, cooler temperatures (probably even a sudden drop) mid-September to October and and even cooler (I can even say colder) Winter than last year (and possibly some snow). So far the predictions have been correct and the weathermen have reviewed their yearly online forecast/predictions which are now confirming what I've been told.

This is going to be interesting...I have a feeling that the sweet lemons I'm growing will be very useful this Winter!

Friday, August 08, 2008

More Food for Thought: Living a Shamanic Lifestyle...

...Which makes even more sense now that we are ALL going through rough times.

  • "Engage in anti-consumerism: purchase only products that fulfill vital needs and avoid shopping as a simple escape to life.
  • Have a minimum of personal property and reduce the number of possessions to maintain a low material standard of living.
  • Cherish old, well-kept things that still serve well, rather than admiring and purchasing new things just because they are new.
  • Develop a career that makes a meaningful contribution to life, rather than just "making a living".
  • Participate in and appreciate activities and lifestyles that do not blatantly disrespect or take advantage of fellow human beings or the natural world.
  • Live in nature as opposed to merely visiting beautiful, overcrowded tourist destinations, such as national parks.
  • Develop a feeling of responsibility toward local ecosystems.
  • Purchase locally grown or raised food, or grow/raise your own."

From "Ecoshamanism - Sacred Practices of Unity, Power & Earth Healing" by James Endredy

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Celebrate the Goddess through Intuition

"There is an ocean of mystery called women's intuition. We may speak of it lightheartedly, but every woman knows the truth, which is simply that she knows.
Through the rhythms of your own cycles, and continuing on though the years when those cycles cease, you are part of this ancient cosmic knowing. The more you trust that tingling in your fingertips, that shiver at the back of your neck, the more sensitive you will become to subtle signs.
Women's intuition is the Goddess whispering in your ear. Let Her know you are listening."

From SageWoman 2008 Calendar

Friday, August 01, 2008

Food for Thought on Lughnasadh

"Now that most of us in the Western world take plentiful, year-round food for granted, it is hard for us to imagine the relief and gratitude our (Celtic) ancestors must have felt when harvest time began. For poorer people, it wasn't always possible to stretch out the stores till next year's harvest, and this was especially true in the dark days of Ireland's oppression in the 18th and 19th centuries. Before the first potatoes were mature there was "Hungry July" or "July of the Cabbage", when the Cailleach Rua, the Red-haired Hag of Hunger, stalked the fields or squatted by the empty cooking pot. An old woman in County Mayo gave voice to the meaning of Lughnasadh during this era when she proclaimed in ringing tones: "The harvest is in and the hunger is over!"

Even if you don't produce what you eat, this is a good time to connect with those who do by visiting farmers' markets or spending a day in the countryside picking your own fruits for jams and pies. As you watch the black and red jewels of berries, musky peaches, and nectarines spill out onto your kitchen table, let your eyes feast on their colors and shapes.

Smell, touch, and taste the fullness of summer and the blessings of life bestowed upon us by the earth at this time of the year. Think of the human labor and skill that midwifed them into being in your kitchen at this very moment.

In the modern world August is also vacation time when work is set aside for lazing on the porch or the nearest sunny beach. We, too, can rest from our labors, celebrate Summer, and enjoy the fruits of our daily toil. This can give us a good opportunity to take stock of what the seasons so far have yielded: to reflect upon our hopes and dreams that were sown in the dawn of the year, came to life in the springtime, and are now maybe ready to bear fruit. On a spiritual level we can ask ourselves what wisdom we have garnered so far this year: What will be the harvest of our souls?"

From "Kindling the Celtic Spirit" by Mara Freeman


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