Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Celebrate the Goddess through Gratefulness

"There is no more profound prayer to the Great Goddess than a simple "Thank You."
And there is no end to the things you have to be grateful for.
From the first object your eyes behold upon awakening to the last thought before slipping into dreams, each day holds infinite opportunity for you to express your gratitude.
Each heartfelt whisper of thanks increases your blessings.
Each sincere expression of gratefulness opens you to bliss.
Each moment, no matter where you are, give thanks for the beauty and bounty that is yours."

From SageWoman 2008 Calendar


fiona said...

I strongly agree with this!

Expressing gratitude can be extremely powerful and healing.

For a long time, while struggling through difficult times, I made myself write down 5 things I was grateful for that day before I went to sleep at night.. and said thank you for them.

Can completely alter one's perspective.. very empowering.

No longer write them down, but quite often count them off on my fingers as I fall asleep at night :-)

Zenseer said...

I think that in our disconnected lives, we often take things for granted.

At night, before falling asleep, I usually thank benevolent spirits, goddesses, Mother Earth and my ancestors for watching over me, my husband and my family. I thank them for keeping us alive and well and safe from troubles and need.

We have food to eat, clothes to wear, a bed to sleep and a roof over our heads...It's the 21st century and there are still people out there who suffer and are in need.

I feel that I am very lucky...



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