Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Good Vibrations

I've decided to bring back my "Good Vibrations" tea. It was my most popular tea at the Alternative Healing Arts Fair last Sunday. I originally created this tea for healing work, especially energy healing.

It's a blend of pesticide-free rose petals, wildcrafted white sage and organic lavender plus...a little blessing (all my teas are blessed). Soothing rose petals for love and opening the heart chakra, white sage to clear energetic blockages and prepare the body for spiritual/healing work & lavender to calm and relax.

With the help of a fellow chakra healer and a tea taster, I've tried a little experiment which had an amazing and very positive result: the tea taster was energetically scanned before and after drinking the tea. It appears that her energy level raised by 12%...and she didn't even finish her cup!


Ananda said...

Greetings Alchemille ~ Lovely blog!
many blessings to you,ananda

Zenseer said...

Thanks Ananda,
I like yours too...I had never heard of wineberries before (most likely they don't grow in CA).
You learn everyday...
Bright Blessings to you.



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