There are times when the veil between the seen and the unseen gets thinner, times when our senses become sharper and our eyes are allowed to perceive for a short time what we usually can only feel if we are a little sensitive.
These special moments can be linked to different times of the day like dawn or twilight, atmospheric changes like the fog or even seasonal changes like the Spring Equinox and other magical days of the celtic wheel of the year.
I created this special Faery tea for those who seek to (re)connect with the Shining Ones either to gain knowledge and wisdom or because it is amongst the Sidhe that the soul is at home.
My tea is a blend of wild thyme (I have it in limited supplies so I might use organic thyme instead), organic rosemary, organic lavender, pesticide-free rose petals, organic violet leaves and organic malva. I make it fresh upon request.
For more details about this tea, the herbs and their use, please visit my shop:
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