J'ai besoin de reviser mon livre et de faire quelques corrections avant de pouvoir elargir la distribution a des sites comme amazon.com. Si vous avez l'intention d'en commander un exemplaire, je vous demanderais de bien vouloir patienter un peu, vous ne serez pas decus!
I need to revise and proof read my book before distribution to such booksellers as amazon.com. If you intend to buy a copy (french version only for now), I will have to ask a little patience from you, you won't be disappointed!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Tout arrive (+ un extrait de mon premier livre) / Things happen (my first book)...
I finally published my first book in French! I've been working on it for the past 2 years with all the torments and frustrations a writer can know. I put my heart and soul into this project. And when my dream became reality and I saw the cover of my book online, I had tears in my eyes. I hope you will enjoy reading it as my as I enjoyed writing it. I plan to offer an ebook version of it and then for you my English-speaking readers, an English translation of my books (within the next few months I hope). All I can tell you for now about it that it's a collection of 18 fantasy and folklore inspired tales (short stories to be precise). Thank you for your patience ;).
Le moment tant attendu est arrivé: je viens de publier mon livre. J'ai travaillé dessus pendant 2 ans avec tout ce que çà a comporté de joies, les peines, les doutes et soucis. J'y ai mis mon coeur et mon âme. Mon rêve est devenu realité et j'ai eu les larmes aux yeux lorsque j'ai pu voir la couverture de mon livre sur internet. J'espère que vous aurez envie de le lire car moi j'ai aimé l'ecrire (et j'ai deja un 2e projet de livre en tête ;) ).
C'est un recueil de 18 nouvelles plus ou moins longues inspirées de la littérature fanstastique et du folklore. Vous pouvez avoir un aperçu du mon livre ICI (sommaire et premieres pages), sur le site de lulu.com (mon editeur). Normalement il devrait être disponible très bientot sur d'autres sites internet du type Amazon.com et Barnes & Nobles. Et je vais probablement proposer quelques exemplaires sur ma boutique Etsy. J'envisage également de créer une version ebook pour ceux qui n'aiment pas le papier...
Et pour ceux qui hésitent encore à se le procurer après avoir jeté un oeil dedans, voici un petit extrait de "La Corberelle" (vous saurez ce que c'est en lisant mon livre):
"...Et pour qui crois-tu qu’elle soit venue cette corberelle qui ne te lâche pas du regard ? Comme les Anciens disaient chez nous : ‘Si tu entends le chant de la Corberelle, prends garde à toi. Car si tu la vois la Corberelle, c’est que pour toi sonne le glas.’
Soudain un épais brouillard se leva ; il était si dense que Tantine
ne pouvais plus voir Gaston. Ce brouillard avait quelquechose de surnaturel qui
l’angoissa. Il n’y avait plus un bruit dans la Lande; même les oiseaux s’étaient
arrêtés de chanter..."
Besoin d'un cadeau de dernière minute pour un ami lecteur? N'hésitez pas...
Le moment tant attendu est arrivé: je viens de publier mon livre. J'ai travaillé dessus pendant 2 ans avec tout ce que çà a comporté de joies, les peines, les doutes et soucis. J'y ai mis mon coeur et mon âme. Mon rêve est devenu realité et j'ai eu les larmes aux yeux lorsque j'ai pu voir la couverture de mon livre sur internet. J'espère que vous aurez envie de le lire car moi j'ai aimé l'ecrire (et j'ai deja un 2e projet de livre en tête ;) ).
C'est un recueil de 18 nouvelles plus ou moins longues inspirées de la littérature fanstastique et du folklore. Vous pouvez avoir un aperçu du mon livre ICI (sommaire et premieres pages), sur le site de lulu.com (mon editeur). Normalement il devrait être disponible très bientot sur d'autres sites internet du type Amazon.com et Barnes & Nobles. Et je vais probablement proposer quelques exemplaires sur ma boutique Etsy. J'envisage également de créer une version ebook pour ceux qui n'aiment pas le papier...
Et pour ceux qui hésitent encore à se le procurer après avoir jeté un oeil dedans, voici un petit extrait de "La Corberelle" (vous saurez ce que c'est en lisant mon livre):
"...Et pour qui crois-tu qu’elle soit venue cette corberelle qui ne te lâche pas du regard ? Comme les Anciens disaient chez nous : ‘Si tu entends le chant de la Corberelle, prends garde à toi. Car si tu la vois la Corberelle, c’est que pour toi sonne le glas.’
Sur ces paroles
Gaston se délesta de son attirail de chasse et s’approcha de l’oiseau toujours
perché sur le prunellier. Puis les yeux pleins de larme, il lui dit avec une
certaine émotion :
-Lydia, est-ce
que c’est toi ?
Besoin d'un cadeau de dernière minute pour un ami lecteur? N'hésitez pas...
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
KYMATICA - Bruce Lipton PhD. FULL Interview - YouTube
Change your perception, change your mind, change your world...
KYMATICA - Bruce Lipton PhD. FULL Interview - YouTube
KYMATICA - Bruce Lipton PhD. FULL Interview - YouTube
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Listen to the Cards: November 6th 2012 Reading
Before I get to the actual reading, I'd like to say that I am no channeler, no tarot reader and even less of an astrologer (even though I know Mercury went retrograde yesterday and that today is the Last Quarter of the Moon). But I am a sensitive in ways of my own...
So what do the cards hold for us on this Election Day?
First I picked the "Warrior Three / Alignment" card from the Tarot of the Sidhe (I rarely work with tarots, I usually prefer oracle decks which I find more precise, but this specific tarot has proven to be reliable many times).
This card is a powerful one, it holds so much potential that I believe reflects the expectations of many people right one. After the passage of hurricane Sandy, I felt that something had been birthed/released energetically and we can all sense energies even if we can't always describe what we feel or sense with words.
The Warrior cards of the deck are connected with the element Fire. They manifest dreams into reality via the power of will and action.
"The alignment's dawn, a magical time,
As sun and moon and stars entwine,
The gate is open in the east,
A three-fold sum of power increased..."
I believe that the Universe is watching as well. This election may be a step stone for things to come.
Notice the reference to the East? It could very well be that the eastern states will play a big role in this election, after all they have been (and still are) through a lot but who is there to listen and help in the middle of the desolation? Only they know what is truly going on and only they can tell (one way being by casting their vote)...Also remember (prophets of doom sent aside) that we are going through changes, through a planetary and galactic evolution. We are moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. People are awakening and the picture they see isn't very pretty...
The 2nd card I picked (as supplemental information) is the "Three of Stones / Creativity" from The Wildwood Tarot.
"The practical manifestation of the creative energy requires a clear and open channel to the inspirational forces and impulses of the universe...Just as releasing your dreams and desires into the universal consciousness always brings a response, so the releasing of creative energy invites into the artist the healing and enriching fuel from which further insight and visionary stimulus flows..."
Be the artist, you are creator of your life. Manifest your hopes and dreams into this reality by painting what you really want for yourself and others onto the big canvas of Life. Don't let yourself be influenced by others, don't let yourself be blown & pushed by the winds, don't give in to worry, fear of sadness...Listen to your inner voice, stand your ground, project what your heart desires into the universal energetic pool. There is always a choice!.
Have a blessed day ;).
So what do the cards hold for us on this Election Day?
First I picked the "Warrior Three / Alignment" card from the Tarot of the Sidhe (I rarely work with tarots, I usually prefer oracle decks which I find more precise, but this specific tarot has proven to be reliable many times).
This card is a powerful one, it holds so much potential that I believe reflects the expectations of many people right one. After the passage of hurricane Sandy, I felt that something had been birthed/released energetically and we can all sense energies even if we can't always describe what we feel or sense with words.
The Warrior cards of the deck are connected with the element Fire. They manifest dreams into reality via the power of will and action.
"The alignment's dawn, a magical time,
As sun and moon and stars entwine,
The gate is open in the east,
A three-fold sum of power increased..."
I believe that the Universe is watching as well. This election may be a step stone for things to come.
Notice the reference to the East? It could very well be that the eastern states will play a big role in this election, after all they have been (and still are) through a lot but who is there to listen and help in the middle of the desolation? Only they know what is truly going on and only they can tell (one way being by casting their vote)...Also remember (prophets of doom sent aside) that we are going through changes, through a planetary and galactic evolution. We are moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. People are awakening and the picture they see isn't very pretty...
The 2nd card I picked (as supplemental information) is the "Three of Stones / Creativity" from The Wildwood Tarot.
"The practical manifestation of the creative energy requires a clear and open channel to the inspirational forces and impulses of the universe...Just as releasing your dreams and desires into the universal consciousness always brings a response, so the releasing of creative energy invites into the artist the healing and enriching fuel from which further insight and visionary stimulus flows..."
Be the artist, you are creator of your life. Manifest your hopes and dreams into this reality by painting what you really want for yourself and others onto the big canvas of Life. Don't let yourself be influenced by others, don't let yourself be blown & pushed by the winds, don't give in to worry, fear of sadness...Listen to your inner voice, stand your ground, project what your heart desires into the universal energetic pool. There is always a choice!.
Have a blessed day ;).
Monday, August 06, 2012
Thinking Out of the Blue...
Life sometimes throw things such as dislikes, fears, anguishes and phobias on your path. Sometimes there is a logical explanation for it, such as an allergy but in other cases such fears can be debilitating like my phobia of water. I had a drowning experience as a child and that fear of water has stuck with me ever since. I don't like water, period. I don't mind swimming in clear, calm water where I can see the bottom and where I lay my feet. But the dark waters, the opaque waters, the raging waters...
Water is life, water is death. It has an energy, it is healing, it carries emotions & feelings yet no human can live under water. It is the realm of water creatures and all sorts of aquatic beings (some very ancient) that you don't want to mess with. I read about a theory that the reason why the vikings were such master sailors is because they revered the spirits of the sea and had an understanding with them (that would make sense to me). More recently I read that blog post regarding water spirits in folklore. Once again they are not to be taken lightly. Some of these water Elementals are also in control of the weather and can bring rain or drought whether they are acknowledged and respected or neglected and just part of the forgotten folklore. But the crazy weather might just be a projection of our "modern" way of life...
Anyway all these readings have been lingering in my subconscious and brought me to the conclusion that this fear of water, this aqueous dead end is probably an area where somebody somehow doesn't want me to wander. I'm not saying that I will ever get rid off that fear but I might be able to play around it, learn a few things and maybe get some blessings/help from water spirits along the way. I'm even starting to like the color blue but this is another story...
Water is life, water is death. It has an energy, it is healing, it carries emotions & feelings yet no human can live under water. It is the realm of water creatures and all sorts of aquatic beings (some very ancient) that you don't want to mess with. I read about a theory that the reason why the vikings were such master sailors is because they revered the spirits of the sea and had an understanding with them (that would make sense to me). More recently I read that blog post regarding water spirits in folklore. Once again they are not to be taken lightly. Some of these water Elementals are also in control of the weather and can bring rain or drought whether they are acknowledged and respected or neglected and just part of the forgotten folklore. But the crazy weather might just be a projection of our "modern" way of life...
Anyway all these readings have been lingering in my subconscious and brought me to the conclusion that this fear of water, this aqueous dead end is probably an area where somebody somehow doesn't want me to wander. I'm not saying that I will ever get rid off that fear but I might be able to play around it, learn a few things and maybe get some blessings/help from water spirits along the way. I'm even starting to like the color blue but this is another story...
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
My new handmade weaving loom / Mon nouveau métier à tisser fait maison
I got some art supplies during the weekend and found this beautiful frame with a blueish patina on, and with sculpted oak leaves and acorns in each corner. I thought it would make a nice weaving loom (the price was pretty decent too). I started hammering small nails every centimeter when my husband complained that the nails were neither aligned, straight nor at the same height ("You're such an artist!" he said). So he had to fix my doing and ended up hammering the rest of the nails himself. So here's my pretty new loom...
Je me suis procurée du materiel d'arts plastiques durant le weekend et j'ai trouvé ce joli cadre avec une patine bleuâtre ainsi que des feuilles de chêne et des glands sculptés aux quatre coins. J'ai pensé que ce cadre ferait un joli métier à tisser (d'autant plus que le prix était raisonnable). Je me suis donc mise à marteler des clous tous les centimètres cependant mon mari s'est plaint que mes clous n'étaient ni alignés, ni droits et encore moins à la même hauteur ("T'es vraiment une artiste!" qu'il m'a dit). Alors il a dû réparer les "dégâts" et a décidé de terminer lui-même le travail. Voici donc mon nouveau métier à tisser...
Thursday, July 19, 2012
My Textile Life...
There are 2 things I have always loved: books and textiles. They both tickle my senses and my imagination. There are many ways to tell stories that don't just involve the written or spoken word.
My relationship with both books and textiles isn't just about stories, it's more primal than that: it goes down to the elemental fibre, the thread.
I am currently learning to spin and weave (at least get some basics covered so that I can do my own thing after), these are ancient techniques that transcend time. I like the idea that somewhere in the lineage, my ancestors were doing the same thing and that I am repeating the same timeless movements. I like the idea that the ancestors are still active beyond the grave and influencing us, teaching us, whispering (ideas) to us and of course they are involved in our (day)dreams and creative processes.
Anyway textiles, threads, yarns, ribbons are not just for making clothes, accessories and home decoration. They can be put/woven together to tell a story (and if you consider the people who harvested the fibers and made the yarn/fabric, you get stories within stories) or at least something that talks to somebody on an emotional, visual and/or sensory level...
I think paper, ink, thread and wool are just magical (I know I may sound like a little girl in a candy store here but that's what I think). Just put them together with an idea/theme/story in mind and you weave a magical spell that will touch or affect somebody else ;).
My relationship with both books and textiles isn't just about stories, it's more primal than that: it goes down to the elemental fibre, the thread.
I am currently learning to spin and weave (at least get some basics covered so that I can do my own thing after), these are ancient techniques that transcend time. I like the idea that somewhere in the lineage, my ancestors were doing the same thing and that I am repeating the same timeless movements. I like the idea that the ancestors are still active beyond the grave and influencing us, teaching us, whispering (ideas) to us and of course they are involved in our (day)dreams and creative processes.
Anyway textiles, threads, yarns, ribbons are not just for making clothes, accessories and home decoration. They can be put/woven together to tell a story (and if you consider the people who harvested the fibers and made the yarn/fabric, you get stories within stories) or at least something that talks to somebody on an emotional, visual and/or sensory level...
I think paper, ink, thread and wool are just magical (I know I may sound like a little girl in a candy store here but that's what I think). Just put them together with an idea/theme/story in mind and you weave a magical spell that will touch or affect somebody else ;).
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Wild Life of Our Bodies: Predators, Parasites, and Partners That Shape Who We Are Today
This book will probably find its way to my personal library pretty soon...
Amazon.com: The Wild Life of Our Bodies: Predators, Parasites, and Partners That Shape Who We Are Today (9780061806483): Rob Dunn: Books
Amazon.com: The Wild Life of Our Bodies: Predators, Parasites, and Partners That Shape Who We Are Today (9780061806483): Rob Dunn: Books
Monday, June 25, 2012
My health library / Ma bibliothèque santé
Before I start sharing some of my library's jewels with you, I'd like to say that I am no health expert and have no degree nor curriculum in that field. However I believe in the body's ability to heal itself (something I have experienced) through various means (proper nutrition being on of them), and old time-tested remedies still work (at least for me) and should not be forgotten. Health is not something granted but something that needs to be worked on daily...It's all about balance.
Avant de partager avec vous les trésors de ma bibliothèque, je tiens à dire et rappeler que je ne suis pas medicin et je n'ai aucun diplôme dans le domaine de la santé. Mais je sais que le corps est capable de guérir (j'en ai fait l'expérience) par des moyens variés (la nutrition étant mon cheval de bataille) ainsi que des méthodes anciennes (qui marchent pour moi) et que je considère toujours d'actualité. La santé n'est pas un dû mais une chose sur laquelle il faut travailler quotidiennement...C'est une question d'équilibre.
Avant de partager avec vous les trésors de ma bibliothèque, je tiens à dire et rappeler que je ne suis pas medicin et je n'ai aucun diplôme dans le domaine de la santé. Mais je sais que le corps est capable de guérir (j'en ai fait l'expérience) par des moyens variés (la nutrition étant mon cheval de bataille) ainsi que des méthodes anciennes (qui marchent pour moi) et que je considère toujours d'actualité. La santé n'est pas un dû mais une chose sur laquelle il faut travailler quotidiennement...C'est une question d'équilibre.
- "La santé par le sel cristallin de l'Himalaya" de Nora Kircher
- "Seasalt's hidden powers - The biological action of all ocean minerals on body and mind" by Jacques de Langre
- "Water & salt - The essence of life" by Barbara Hendel & Peter Ferreira
- "The complete book of water healing" by Dian Dincin Buchman
- "Your body's many cries for water" by F. Batmanghelidj
- "Healing springs - The ultimate guide to taking the waters" by Nathaniel Altman
- "Living clay - Nature's own miracle cure" by Perry A~
- "L'argile, médecine ancestrale - De la tradition aux preuves scientifiques" de Philippe Andrianne
- "The magnesium miracle" by Carolyn Dean
- "Transdermal magnesium" by Mark Sircus
- "Le grand livre du chlorure de magnésium" de Jackie Seguin
- "Colloidal minerals and trace elements - How to restore the body's natural vitality" by Marie-France Muller
- "Rare earths - Forbidden cures" by Joel D. Wallach & Ma Lan
- "Natural healing with cell salts" by Skye Weintraub
- "Homeopathic cell salt remedies" by Nigel Lennon & Lionel Rolfe
- "The healing echo - Discovering homeopathic cell salt remedies" by Vinton McCabe (my favorite)
- "Facial diagnosis of cell salt deficiencies - A user's guide" by David R. Card
- "Coconut cures - Preventing and treating common health problems with coconut" by Bruce Fife
- "Coconut water for health and healing" by Bruce Fife
- "The coconut oil miracle" by Bruce Fife
- "Apple cider vinegar" by Victoria Rose
- "Natural healing with cider vinegar" by Margot Hellmiss
- "Vinaigres - Cuisine, santé, bien-être" de Nathalie Nagy-Kochmann
- "Healing from the hive" by Carlson Wade
- "Bee propolis - Natural healing from the hive" by James Fearnley
- "Nourishing traditions: the book that challenges politically correct nutrition and diet dictocrats" by Sally Fallon & Mary Enig
- "Wild fermentation: the flavor, nutrition, and craft of live-culture foods" by Sandor Ellix Katz
- "The art of fermentation" by Sandor Ellix Katz
- "Truly cultured: rejuvenating taste, health and community with naturally fermented foods" by Nancy Lee Bentley
- "A la découverte des aliments fermentés" de Chantal & Lionel Clergeaud
- "Des aliments aux mille vertus: cuisiner les aliments fermentés" de Claude Aubert & Jean-James Garreau
- "Trick and treat - How "healthy eating" is making us ill" by Barry Groves
- "Deep nutrition - Why your genes need traditional food" by Catherine & Luke Shanahan
- "Pottenger's prophecy - How food resets genes for wellness or illness" by Gray Graham, Deborah Kesten & Larry Scherwitz
- "Healing with whole foods - Asian traditions and modern nutrition" by Paul Pitchford
- "Magnet therapy" by William H. Philpott, Dwight K. Kalita & Linwood Lothrop
- "Brain allergies - The psychonutrient and magnetic connections" by William H. Philpott & Dwight K. Kalita
- "Le sucre - Un ami qui vous veut du mal" de Roland Di Sabatino
- "Suicide by sugar" by Nancy Appleton & G.N. Jacobs
- "La santé commence par les intestins" de Scarlett Weinstein-Loison
- "Seaweed: nature's secret to balancing your metabolism, fighting disease, and revitalizing body & soul" by Valerie Gennari Cooksley
- "Healing wise" by Susun Weed
- "Healing herbal teas - A complete guide to making delicious, healthful beverages" by Brigitte Mars
Saturday, June 16, 2012
What I like to do...
...When my husband is busy working on weekends: I SEW!
I've been having a lot of fun with Japanese sewing patterns but what I like the most is to transform something old into something else. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, a ribbon here, a few buttons there, an embroidery...Whatever I have handy.
I'm currently making some kind of country dress (also inspired by one of my Japanese craft books) with an old sailor style sweater (a cotton knit w/ navy and light beige stripes) + the double layered skirt part of a dress and and old crochet collar my mom gave me. I don't think the dress would find its way to the cover of a magazine but I'm having fun and it's another addition to my wardrobe ;).
I also made a hair piece out of some recycled off white & black lace (very nice stuff I scavenged from a dress): I roughly cut a ribbon from the lace, gave it the shape of a rose and then sewn on a piece of black felt + a hair clip glued on the other side.
I recently discovered the art of knotting: it's nice but not easy (especially for an illogical mind like mine). I managed to make a trinity knot that I painted and turned to a fun hair piece (I know: another one but I always have some accessories in my hair). This is a technique I'd like to learn and perfect for a new project that hopefully will find its way to my Etsy shop.
And in case you're wondering about my old book project, well I'm almost done writing the book. I'm currently working on my last story. Then I have to organize everything and do some kind of artwork for the cover. We're getting close...
I'll try to post some pictures of my creations soon.
Meanwhile, be well...
I've been having a lot of fun with Japanese sewing patterns but what I like the most is to transform something old into something else. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, a ribbon here, a few buttons there, an embroidery...Whatever I have handy.
I'm currently making some kind of country dress (also inspired by one of my Japanese craft books) with an old sailor style sweater (a cotton knit w/ navy and light beige stripes) + the double layered skirt part of a dress and and old crochet collar my mom gave me. I don't think the dress would find its way to the cover of a magazine but I'm having fun and it's another addition to my wardrobe ;).
I also made a hair piece out of some recycled off white & black lace (very nice stuff I scavenged from a dress): I roughly cut a ribbon from the lace, gave it the shape of a rose and then sewn on a piece of black felt + a hair clip glued on the other side.
I recently discovered the art of knotting: it's nice but not easy (especially for an illogical mind like mine). I managed to make a trinity knot that I painted and turned to a fun hair piece (I know: another one but I always have some accessories in my hair). This is a technique I'd like to learn and perfect for a new project that hopefully will find its way to my Etsy shop.
And in case you're wondering about my old book project, well I'm almost done writing the book. I'm currently working on my last story. Then I have to organize everything and do some kind of artwork for the cover. We're getting close...
I'll try to post some pictures of my creations soon.
Meanwhile, be well...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Friday, February 03, 2012
Thoughts on Jewelry
I don't think a woman needs to spend a lot of money for some good looking jewelry. I admit that shiny bling-bling and one-of-a-kind conversational/artsy pieces don't compete in the same category BUT I believe that clay, fabric, wool, paper and other natural materials are as noble as precious metals and gemstones. So I leave the latter to Mother Earth, where they belong ;).
Monday, January 30, 2012
Handmade, upcycled & revamped wardrobe
To start this post, I'd like to say that I'm a big believer in giving a 2nd life to clothes, for sentimental reasons or not (let's face it, it's sometimes hard to say goodbye to a favorite t-shirt or grandma's knit sweater). And even if the piece of clothing may seem beyond repair, there's always something to salvage (an embroidery, a crocheted neckline, buttons...etc). But I must admit that I just like transforming things into something new & different.
Here's a felted heart that I bought during the holiday season. It was sold as a Christmas ornament, I just thought it would make a great (oversized) brooch. So I just added a kilt pin on the back:
I also found this fun "Mambo" yarn from Martha Stewart. It comes in various colors but always with a contrasting thread. I chose the black & white one and decided to make a simple 3 layer textile necklace which looks a bit African inspired to me ;).
And to finish, here's "la piece de resistance": my old worn out pair of pants turned into a skirt and with some "butterfly & paisley" appliques cut from some fabric I have. I first iron fixed the pieces in place (and covered a few holes but nobody needs to know, right?) then I stitched the edges of the appliques. It has a slight rugged look but it's fine with me. One thing's for sure: I like my new skirt better than my old pants ;)!
Here's a felted heart that I bought during the holiday season. It was sold as a Christmas ornament, I just thought it would make a great (oversized) brooch. So I just added a kilt pin on the back:
I also found this fun "Mambo" yarn from Martha Stewart. It comes in various colors but always with a contrasting thread. I chose the black & white one and decided to make a simple 3 layer textile necklace which looks a bit African inspired to me ;).
And to finish, here's "la piece de resistance": my old worn out pair of pants turned into a skirt and with some "butterfly & paisley" appliques cut from some fabric I have. I first iron fixed the pieces in place (and covered a few holes but nobody needs to know, right?) then I stitched the edges of the appliques. It has a slight rugged look but it's fine with me. One thing's for sure: I like my new skirt better than my old pants ;)!
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