Friday, April 23, 2010

First Short Story...

I just finished writing my first short story (in french) today. I read it to my friend Marie who told me that she was very impressed...That made my day ;).

I have the project to self-publish a collection of short stories both in French and English, with a few illustrations as well. Ideally before the end of the year (October or November would be great).

The tricky part will be to be as close to the french text as possible. I can sometimes get frustrated by the English language because I can't always find the right nuance and therefore I feel like I can't express myself fully & properly...

For obvious reasons I can't tell you, dear reader, what this first story is about but here are a few hints: a loving & dedicated mother, an ungrateful son, haunting remorse and vengeance from beyond the grave...


Kat said...

Un project ambitieux. J'ai hâte de voir le produit fini. :)

Ok that took a lot of effort. Can't believe you wrote an entire story in French! It really is hard to find the right expressive words.

Zenseer said...

Thanks Kat! Your French is perfect ;).

I was born & raised in France (I'm a French citizen) so it is technically my mother tongue (though my mom is German and she taught me German before French).



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