Thursday, June 26, 2014

Giving Oil Pulling a Try...

I learned the hard way that the state of health of your teeth reflects the state of health of your entire body. Years ago my teeth were becoming transparent and covered with cavities (that was before I had my body's breakdown and discovered my leaky gut, undiagnosed food allergies and mineral deficiencies), my dentist's prognosis wasn't a positive one. And I couldn't bear the idea of having my entire mouth covered in fillings or worse: veneers!

The truth is that dentists are technicians, sculptors of the mouth but when it comes to the why of tooth & gum problems, they are pretty ignorant. According to them: transparent/demineralized teeth are caused by lemon and soda (which I didn't consume) and tooth decay/cavities by too many sweets (which I don't have) and of course you can't regrow enamel and remineralize your teeth! WRONG!

I have proved my dentist wrong even though he never acknowledged it and probably never will. My teeth are now much healthier than they used to be (thanks to a nutrient-dense ancestral diet that suits me, my teeth & my belly well) but it's not perfect yet. I still have to battle with 1-2 cavities here and there from time to time...And I'm getting tired of battling with myself and the dentist.

Since I have a heart murmur I take some propolis prior to going to the dentist (and after too) rather than amoxicillin, which I have used in the past via prescription (I also prepare a sage tea to use as a mouthwash after any dental treatment).
"The Doctors Praise Healing Power of Propolis
According to Roy Kupsinel, M.D., of Maitland, Florida, propolis is chock-full of healing power.
I prescribe propolis for many of my patients as a safe nutritional supplement. When taken regularly, it actually creates an antibiotic disease-fighting reaction to almost any illness-without dangerous side effects. The bees have relied upon propolis for 46 million years. They must be doing something right because beehives contain less bacteria and are more sterile than hospitals!"
From "Health from the Hive" by Carlson Wade

I know full well that it's all about absorption of vitamins and minerals and I should really be more disciplined. I've been using tooth soap for years and a mouthwash made of salt water sole and peppermint tincture. I used baking soda from time to time to whiten my teeth and get rid off stains (since my poor teeth are rather porous). Now I just switched to a natural bristle toothbrush (made with wild boar's hair from what I understood) and I like it. I plan to get back to fermented cod liver oil & grass fed butter, take my magnesium chloride and bone meal or homemade eggshell powder more religiously (alternate with my sealogica seaweed supplement) or at least always have a nourishing herbal infusion and/or some bone broth handy since I need high amounts of minerals and maybe as much vitamin C!

Here's a post worth mentioning and reading on healing one's teeth naturally:

Nagel Ramiel's book "Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition"
is also very helpful.

But one thing I gotta try is oil pulling with coconut oil. I heard & read a lot of good things about it and here's what Dr Bruce Fife has to say about it:
"Just as the eyes are viewed as the window to the soul, the mouth is a window to the body. By looking into the mouth, you can tell a great deal about a person's health. Cavity-riddled teeth, swollen and inflamed gums, bad breath, discoloration on the tongue, receding and bleeding gums, yellowed teeth, plaque and tarter buildup, dental fillings, missing teeth, etc., are all signs reflecting a person's state of health. The mouth is part of the digestive tract. When you look inside the mouth, you are seeing a representation of the condition of the entire intestinal tract. If the mouth is healthy, the intestines will be healthy. If your teeth and gums are deteriorating, then you are deteriorating. Ours mouths can reveal evidence for diabetes, measles, leukemia, syphilis, AIDS, bulimia, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, cancer, and other maladies.
The bacteria and other microorganisms that inhabit our mouths influence our health and are influenced by our health. Diseases influences the type of bacteria that grow on the lining of the mouth, tongue, and throat. Early stages of cancer, for instance, can be detected by the types of bacteria present. Some mouths contain more harmful organisms than others. If these organisms find a way into the bloodstream, they can wreak havoc on the entire body."
From "Oil Pulling Therapy ~ Detoxifying and Healing the Body through Oral Cleansing" by Dr Bruce Fife

Find out how to do it HERE.

Last but not least, let's not forget about the healing herbs (which I've been using for the past 20 years). Here's a new & promising book on the topic of herbs for dental problems: "Dental Herbalism: Natural Therapies for the Mouth" by Leslie M. Alexander & Linda A. Straub-Bruce.

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