Friday, September 04, 2009

Research reveals Medieval diet was more than meat and gruel


moya watson said...

thanks alchemille for coming by my blog and posting the comment about potential food allergies. for the next few weeks i took a look at how i reacted after eggs -- and nothing. it's frustrating. i wonder could it be a *combination* of things -- in which case i'll NEVER find out - - or something else random.

i get more visits to that allergy post than any other post. makes me think that if everyone posted symptoms and food up on the 'webs and we could search, somehow we would find the answers. or insanity. either way!

at any rate-- thanks for what you do and thanks again for visiting.

Zenseer said...

It's very possible than rather to being allergic to 1 type of food/food family, you could be allergic to a substance such as phenols, oxalates, amines, glutamates...etc.
Since these usually include a long list of edibles, I'm not sure that a elimination diet would be conclusive.
Have you even had an allergy test done? I think that it'd be beneficial to you, since your problem seems to be lingering...I'm afraid that if it remains an enigma, it might get worse!



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