Thursday, December 05, 2013

What I've Been Up To...

I know this blog has been more active and lively in the past but I've been busy. Busy with new & exiting projects...And a lot of learning (topics that are dear to me and which I am very passionate about). I'm getting a sudden sense of clarity as I now understand the hows & the whys in my life as well as my purpose.

I've been making Artisan Flower & Leaf Essences (similar to the Bach Remedies) in small batches (I usually make about 3 new ones/month) that are all available on my Etsy Shop and at The Path, for the locals ;). It's something that I would never have considered just a year ago. I've been into herbalism for a long time but I have developed a growing interested in what I call esoteric herbalism (the effect of plants on emotions, the psyche and on a spiritual level) and I find it much more fascinating than regular herbalism. I like challenges and this is pretty much Terra Incognita, not much literature on the topic. If you want to know, you need to ask the plants themselves and trust your intuition & spiritual connection. I believe a similar approach is possible with stones & crystals, though I'm much less knowledgeable about these. But I like the idea of making crystal elixirs with a few of my favorite & trusty stones.

While on the topic of vibrational remedies, let's stretch further to Energy Healing. Energy Medicine is the Medicine of the Earth, it is probably as old as the world and I believe it is also the Medicine of the Future. Whether we like it or not, accept it or not, we are all connected the Earth. It gives us life, sustenance and medicine (real food, herbs, crystals), it recharges our batteries when they are depleted (energetically with work, stress or disease). Anybody can tap into this energy but you need to ground & reconnect yourself first.

And everything on this Earth & the Universe is Energy. Even words have a vibration and emit energy, especially ancient (magical) alphabets. I'm studying the Runes which are powerful teachers and healers. I am aware that this type of study can take a lifetime of learning and even then I won't master them, just barely scratch the surface. I've been attracted/connected to them for a long time (past lives included). Most people use them for divination but that's just the tip of the iceberg, and to me the least interesting part.

I am offering my services & help as a Runic Energy Worker (combining both Runes in various ways with Energy Healing Techniques) at the Path Spiritual Learning Center, here in Redondo Beach. I'm doing this because this is my purpose in this life and one cannot simply turn one's back on a gift because then this is a waste of a gift (which can be lost or taken back over time).

Here's a picture of me "in action" that was taken recently, during a "Spiritual Spa Day" event (you can see my flower essences on display as well):

You can find me at the Path every Wednesdays & Fridays (Afternoons), see flyer below for more details:

Be well ;).

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