Yesterday I've discovered a fairly new knitting shop which is like no other: TWIST - Yarns of Intrigue.
It doesn't look like much from the outside, but once you steep inside, you get a warm and homey feeling. Cathy Karen -the owner of this beautiful shop- is friendly, genuine, knowledgeable and very helpful ;).
There are all sorts of little gems in this shop including natural fibers (silk, sea silk...etc), social/community conscious yarns (supporting co-ops of women), hand painted yarns, original/creative fibers from Japan (I found a very interesting yarn made of Silk and Stainless Steel, once knit you can give it the shape that you want and it will keep it) and...Cathy's own hand dyed and hand made yarns.
The prices are affordable and even a bargain for some of these yarns.
I let myself be tempted by 2 variegated Loro Barranquero yarns, in Fall colors. These are made of kettle dyed pure merino wool and come from a co-op in Uruguay named Malabrigo. I plan on using them for a nice crochet-like sweater.
I also found some very interesting buttons made out of recycled glass, I'd like to make some jewelry with them (a pair of earrings and a ring).
One thing is for sure...I'll be back ;).
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Rustic Clay Buttons...
These are the first buttons I make and since I enjoyed making them so much, I will be making more soon (or so I hope). They are made of real clay (not polymer clay), embossed and I added a touch of acrylic paint for visual contrast (and because they look nicer this way).
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Organic, Biodynamic, Heirloom and Heritage Seed Sources
Missing a few good websites but most of them are mentioned:
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Celebrate the Goddess through Sisterhood
"As you are created in the Goddess's image, it stands to reason that all other women are too!
One of the most powerful ways to honor the Mother is to enjoy the company of Her other daughters.
Place a high priority on friendship and on supporting relationships with women - celebrate the wonderful diversity of our many shapes, sizes, talents, temperaments, ages, and abilities.
As you move through each day, give your sister a smile and let her know you are there for her. Or better yet, take her hand and dance!"
From SageWoman 2008 Calendar
One of the most powerful ways to honor the Mother is to enjoy the company of Her other daughters.
Place a high priority on friendship and on supporting relationships with women - celebrate the wonderful diversity of our many shapes, sizes, talents, temperaments, ages, and abilities.
As you move through each day, give your sister a smile and let her know you are there for her. Or better yet, take her hand and dance!"
From SageWoman 2008 Calendar
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